
Sustainable Tourism

The aim of engaging in public –private partnerships in Malta is to improve the competitive situation within and in the process to gain competitive advantage through increasing productivity (McElroy, 2003). However, the concept comes with different advantages and disadvantages... Details

Ancient Remains of the Middle East: Muslims’ Understanding

The difference between the world cultures is usually viewed through the comparison of their peculiarities and outline of their diversities. The attempt to comprehend one culture through the native traditions may lead to discovering... Details

Human Overpopulation

Human overpopulation occurs in case the capacity of an area to hold its soaring number of people is exhausting. Overpopulation is considered either in a long time perspective or under existing conditions where the actual population... Details

Populations Research Paper

The first cross tabulation is the population of all these eight countries. Data for the UAE population increases at double or even triple digits in between decades. Such increase in population implies that several things are happening in the UAE that has resulted to such increase in population... Details


Globalization and rapid technological development are the two notable tendencies peculiar to the modern society. Clearly, developing countries are involved in the process as well. Details

Hurricane Sandy and the Destruction It Caused

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the long-term environmental impacts of the Superstorm Sandy on the territory of the United States. Primarily, the New Jersey coast and the nearby areas have suffered from the destruction most of all. Details


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