Aug 13, 2019 in Research

Populations Research Paper

Question 1: Populations of Country X nationals (separate listing for males and females) in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, and 2011

Solutions to this question in the attached excel document. 

Question 2: Cross Tabulation for Gender (Male or Female) and Population.

The first cross tabulation is the population of all these eight countries. Data for the UAE population increases at double or even triple digits in between decades. Such increase in population implies that several things are happening in the UAE that has resulted to such increase in population. Increase in population could imply an increase in the economic activities in the UAE due to its fast pace in development that eventually attracts many people to the country. People come in as investors, and immigrants seeking for employment channels in UAE. The second factor that may contribute to this increase in population could be resulting from an increase in the birth rate and improved standards of living in the United Arab Emirates. The UAE population could also be on the increase because of the reduced mortality rate as there is a general improvement in the health standards and improved living conditions across the entire nation. The decade between 2001 and 2011 saw the figure increase in nearly triple figures, an indication better economic figures and living standards in UAE.

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The population in Oman has also been increasing but on a gradual manner. The slow pace of which the population in Oman is increasing could be implying that the country has less economic advantages as compared to that of UAE. In the decade between 2001 and 2011, there was a reduction of 2.6% in the Oman population. This is a time when Oman encountered an economic recession and health challenges, hence contributing to poor living standards and higher mortality rates. Qatar, on the other hand, has the least population as compared the all of these countries. The small population figures could be an indication of squeezed resources in the country, hence contributing to tough birth rate regulations to the citizens. More so, Qatar has limited resources and an imbalance in gender, whereby women are fewer than the male gender. This eventually leads to the reduced population of slow growth in the population rate.

Kuwait also indicates a significant increase in population over the decades. The country has a population slightly greater than that of Oman, an indication of how these two countries have almost same similarities. With the current growth rate in Kuwait, projections put it at around 11 million people come year 2100, and due to the small land and limited resources, there are concerns over the rate of overpopulation in future years. Most of these people are foreigners that migrate to the country in search of employment, and end up multiplying in the nation, hence high growth in population. Bahrain is another country with lower population, but slightly higher than that of Qatar. The country has been experiencing a gradual increase in its population due to the recent improvements in the economic status. The countries population is a mixture of indigenous people, composed of numerous strangers and settlers, most of them who settled here due to the improved economic status in the country.

Saudi Arabia, with the official name of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is currently the second largest state of the Arab state nations, which comprises majorly of the Arabian Peninsula. Currently, Saudi Arabia has the highest population when compared to the other seven countries in this study. Its population has been increasing by at least four million people after every decade, which is a higher figure for the increasing populations. The country has the problem of too many illegal immigrants, who in the end contribute to the higher population outcomes. The 2012 census report estimates the Saudi population to be 29,195,825 people, which is the 43rd largest population in the world. The population has been increasing over decades due to high birth rates and improvements in the living standards that eventually lead to a prolonged life expectancy.

Jordan has also been experiencing very high population growth rates. Estimate put this population increase to around 2.7 million between 1991 and 2009 alone, which makes it to around 86% growth in the population. Currently, 95-97% of the Jordan population is of the Arab origin, but many other ethnic groups live in this country. The country has been experiencing exponential growth in its populations, resulting from higher birth rates and a higher percentage of the immigrants to the country. Jordan estimates its illegal immigrants to be around 1.2 million people, with more than half a million of legal migrant workers to the nation. More so, thousands of foreign women also come to the nation to work in both nightclubs and hotels, hence contributing to the increasing population rates. The country is currently experiencing a rapid growth rate that is at 2.2% on an annual basis. With this growth rate, estimates predict this population to be around 9.9 million comes year 2050, which will be too much of overpopulation.

Finally, Syria is another country that has been experiencing exponential growth of the decades. Population figures have been increasing at an alarming rate due to various reasons. At first, the huge chunk of this population results from the very high birth rates within the Syrian population. Secondly, the population results from the increased immigrants that come to the nation in search of employment. These foreigners end up settling in the country on a permanent basis, hence contributing to the significant rise of population. Better economic situation in the state and peaceful political environment creates an influx of people from other foreign nations, with the country hosting some refugees from the warring neighboring countries. In 2014, there was a decrease of about 5 million in the entire population. A big number of this population reduction was consisting of refugees that were living the country due to the occurrence of the Syrian civil war. More so, reduction in 2014 population resulted from the death in the civil war (South, 2006).

In general outlook, of these countries are of the Arab origin, sharing of the same cultural beliefs and religious practices. Most of these countries have more things in common, such as imbalance in gender, sharing the same religion and sharing of the same political ideologies. Even though, these countries have been experiencing unstable political environments, growth in their populations indicates that there is improvement in the political environments, hence resulting to the creation of more families. Stability in the political environments could be the resulting effect for the improvements of the economic status as more investors come to these nations to do long-term investments.

It is evident that all of these nations are experiencing problems with the growing figures of their population, hence creating concerns of overpopulation in the near future. This in the end drives some states and key influencers at establishing policies for regulating their populations. In it through such concerns that policies regarding control of birth rates come to effect, hence becoming the law in the long-term. Population planning is significant for the better economic status of the country, in terms of utilizing on the limited resources and allocation of national resources. Through better population planning strategies, it is possible to achieve ideal populations, where all people achieve a better life, have accessibility to medication, and ratio of poverty is at very low levels.


Description of Findings from Cross Tabulation, the Bar Chart, and the Pie Chart

a). Lesson learned from cross-tabulation of the country X nationals population

Upon looking at the population trends of UAE from 1971 to 2011, there is a lot one can note on the ration of its growth. At first, cross tabulation on the rate of population growth between decades indicates that the country has been experiencing double or more than double growths in population between decades. It may imply that the country is enjoying better economic status, which eventually attracts many foreigners and immigrants to the nation. High growth of population may also signify increased life spans, high birth rate, and better political status in the country. Other researches also indicate that the UAE income is among the highest in the world economy, as the country is rich of oil and gas products. More so, research also indicates that relative to the size of the nation and the oil wealth, UAE generally has a small population, which eventually encourages people to continue multiplying.

Just as in the case of UAE, one can also learn that Oman has been experiencing growth in its population. However, its growth rate is slightly lower than that of the UAE, implying the country is doing fairly in terms of economy and health related status. Reports also indicate that Oman has been experiencing problems with illegal immigrants to the country, hence leading to the introduction of tough policies across the nation’s borders. Introduction of such border policies has been helpful at reducing on the number of illegal immigrants, hence leading to the slightness in the nation’s population growth rate.  Upon looking at the Qatar population, one is able to learn that it is the lowest among major Arab nations. The country has little population due to the limited land issue, making people to practice family planning practices. Qatar has problems with the sharing of its limited natural resources, and thus introducing restrictions on the limit of children one family may have. Despite these restrictions, it is still evident that the population keeps on increasing, due to low mortality rate, higher birth rate, and improved economic conditions across the nation. 

In reviewing the population of Kuwait, it is evident that the country has been able to experience a gradual population growth. However, Kuwait is the only country among these Arab states that has seen a drop of its population in the decade between 1991 and 2001. Research indicates that the drop occurred due to increased death rate resulting from the warring activities. There was also out flux of people that left the country for other countries with better political and economic status. However, the nation has been able to start experiencing inclining population growth, resulting from the impacts of ending warring and civil unrest in the nation. Cross tabulation on Bahrain, population also indicates that the state shares similarities with Qatar. Research indicates that Bahrain has limited natural and national resources, hence leading to the introduction of strict family policies with the aims of regulating on the population growth. This justifies why the country has fewer people as compared to other nations. 

Cross tabulation in the Saudi Arabia population indicates that the country experiences very high population growth rate. This may be the case due to high birth rate, reduced mortality rate, improved economy, and improved life expectancy. Research also indicates that Saudi Arabia suffers from high number of legal and illegal immigrants that come into the country for the economic reasons. Currently, Saudi Arabia has the highest population among all these Arab nations, hence making t hard for the economists to plan for development activities, due to issues of overpopulation. Similarly, Jordan has been experiencing issues with its population growth. The country experiences a population growth rate of 30-40%, hence raising concerns on the possibility of overstretching on natural resources. Research also shows that the country has better economic and political status, hence attracting many investors and immigrants to the nation. Finally, cross tabulation on the Syrian population indicates that the country is not an exception from the problems of overpopulation. Research indicates that Syria is rich of natural resources, and the country has better living standards. It thus justifies on how the country experiences multiplying population between decades, similar to what other countries experience. 

(b). What appears to be happening to the population of country X, and the populations of male and female? 

In the general outlook, it is evident that all of these countries are experiencing population growths, but at different levels of growth. It appears that these countries are rich of wealthy and natural resources, which attracts more people to these countries of Arab origin. With the rate of these countries are experiencing population growth, it indicates that there will be overstretch on the natural resources, wealth, and public services, hence leading to overpopulation. In looking at the populations of male and female, it is evident that all countries report having more male than female population. In fact, a country like UAE reports to be having a woman to man ratio of 1:2.  It thus implies that with such imbalance, there will reach a time where the female gender will be very limited thus causing a reduction in population due to reduced birth rates. In explaining there is an imbalance in gender, research indicates that there is high mortality rate of women during labor periods, and the reduced life expectancy of the female gender.   

(c). Implicates of these population changes to the country

 There are no specific benefits with the continuous increase on the nation’s population. However, population increase implies future overstretch on the nation’s natural resources, future competition for acquiring public services, future health problems, future economic problems, among other implications. There will be higher levels of unemployment, higher levels of gang related activities and insecurities, higher levels of pollutions, among other negative impacts. Continuous imbalance in gender among these populations will lead to possible future decline in population growth, as many men will lack marriage partners. There is also the possibility of adultery and risks of rape activities, due to the limited female gender. 

(d). General comments about the results of the study

Results from the study indicate that most of the Arab countries are experiencing problems with population growth and gender imbalance. Problem with population growth results from having poor immigration laws. This eventually leads to high number of immigration to these countries. To solve this problem, the countries need to introduce strong migration policies and birth control laws, as the only way of controlling their populations. Problems with gender imbalance is possible to solve by introducing national sensitization on the fertility cycles, hence help in increasing the percentage of female gender to bring back balance.             



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