

Among the musical genres, opera takes a peculiar place. Being a symbiosis of incompatible elements, it is a brilliant sa... Details

Impressionism as a Revolutionary Art

Destroying classical foundation, the freshness of Impressionist color palette and their revolutionary painting technique... Details


The history and perspectives of the self-perceived Ethnic Unity of Koreans are the subject of numerous debates among the... Details

Informative Genre Speech - Car Sales Speech

“Sales presentation is a major component of traded commonly associated with virtually all business and trading environments, for instance, houses, clothes, artifacts, and cars. In the recent past, the sales presentation sector has acquired an increasing popularity in the car sales sector. Details

Free Mormonism Essay

Mormonism is a religion that was established in the US in the 1830. It is one of the youngest religions in the world, and is believed to be based on the Bible. It is also found on the scriptures of its founder which are recorded... Details

The Effect of Media Bias on the U.S. Bombing of the 11th of September, 2001 Essay

In the modern world, the media are important for the transmission of information. In fact, it is a highly esteemed sector that provides the public with first-hand information concerning occurrences around the world. For example, the September 11th, 2011 bombing was... Details


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