Feb 13, 2020 in Research

Effective Technical Communication


Communication plays an imperative role in the successful implementation of projects. In this case, a project manager has the duty of guiding all the aspects of a project and ensuring that they are handled in an appropriate way. Additionally, he or she is responsible for providing the whole team with a good communication plan. Communication plans differ significantly between various projects. The difference is mainly experienced in the mode and frequency of communication. Communication plays an essential role in projects since it ensures that a manager meets set goals in time.

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Description of the Problem and Its Environment

A project communication plan is essential since it sets standards concerning the mode and frequency of communication. In this case, project managers are responsible for setting the tone for all forms of communication. Evidently, it is important since it allows them to maintain control of a project and ensure that any valuable information is effectively shared. Scheduling meetings and providing technical team members with required platforms such as memos and phone calls are essential considerations in enhancing the communication. Communication is important since it ensures the consistency of all project activities. Additionally, it reduces the possibility of an error and misunderstanding. Communication is also considered to have a significant influence on the performance and productivity of team members. It necessitates employees to keep a manager in the loop on any project occurrences. It also enhances the productivity of a team based on the fact that it influences comfort and confidence of its members while handling their duties. Communication among team member is essential since it promotes the effective performance of the project activities. Communication influences all activities of a project manager by ensuring that they focus on leading the team members to the desired outcomes. Nevertheless, there are always some communication gaps that occur between project managers and technical team members; such occurrences influence the overall success of the project.

In this day and age, projects are conducted and operated at the global level. The advancements that have been made in technology, specifically in communication, have influenced the ability of projects to be conducted without the full-time supervision. However, communication remains a vital aspect since it influences the overall success of a project. In the project management, it is evident that communication is one of those factors that play a vital role in the achievement of success. It is a cornerstone of effective collaboration. Moreover, it greatly contributes to the achievement of success. For a project manager, it is essential to ensure that communication among people that are involved in the project has a smooth and continuous flow without any interruptions. There are various communication styles that can be incorporated depending on the nature of a project at hand. Some of the commonly used communication channels include Skype, email, daily and weekly meetings, phone calls, and weekly project status updates. Communication is essential since it allows a company to keep track of any relevant information concerning a project. There are various measures that can be taken in order to bridge the communication gap that results in a significant influence on the overall operations and success of a project.

Project managers are required to establish an effective mode that is applicable to a project. Additionally, they are required to define parties that need to be communicated with each other. It also requires them to establish the frequency of communication and the form of information that needs to be passed. The effective establishment of such information is vital in influencing the overall effectiveness of a project through the elimination of any gaps that may occur.

Communication Gaps

Communication gaps between a project manager and technical team members pose a significant threat to the achievement of desired outcomes. Some of the most crucial points that are associated with communication gaps include the failure of project managers to establish effective communication models that are relevant to a specific project. Gaps are also created through the broad and disorganized avenues that team members can use in their communication. As a result, disorganized systems influence the ability of information to be effectively shared. The lack of knowledge on the effective communication also results in significant gaps since important information is omitted. The inability of a project manager to keep track of communication and records in a manner that can allow retrieving data at a later stage also contributes to such problems. Additionally, the failure to establish a platform where the team members can share information and receive messages will lead to another gap in the communication.

Communication gaps in a project are mainly caused by cultural differences. As a rule, a team is a diverse work group. In other words, team members come from various cultural backgrounds and, in most cases, have different educational levels. A diverse workgroup in a project is considered a significant threat to operations and success of a project. In this case, people often tend to act according to their cultures and habits that result in significant challenges in the team communication.

The attitude and ego in the working environment also influence the effectiveness of communication in a team. These issues are considered to hinder the team member’s ability to work together as a group with the aim of accomplishing set tasks in the project. Additionally, they also attribute to the emergence of different conflicts that usually occur due to cases of inequality when some individuals tend to be superior to others. Such scenarios are capable of affecting communication in the project.

A poorly written communication plan contributes to communication gaps, as well. No or inadequate knowledge of the teamwork forces results in certain setbacks. The lack of education of team members leads to some difficulties due to the lack of understanding and information that is passed in an organization. Communication gaps that occur in projects are pervasive. In other words, they revolve around omissions and glitches. In most case, project managers are overwhelmed with different roles and responsibilities; thus, omissions are common, but some of them prove to be critical to the overall process.

Communication gaps occur due to a manager’s inability to enhance the overall development of a team. As it has already been mentioned, any team is a diverse group. Therefore, the failure to group them based on their skills is bound to influence communication in the project. In turn, the failure to develop workgroups limits the ability of the workforce to be assigned tasks that they can handle. The failure to follow a procedure is crucial since it results in a setback that prevents the project from being completed in time. Additionally, it adversely influences the employee motivation while conducting their roles and responsibilities. Developing a team is significantly associated with team-building based on the fact that team members benefit significantly from the roles by enabling them to become better in what they do. Therefore, it is important for the communication process since it can ensure that team members are aware of their roles and can effectively address any issues that may occur.

Communication gaps in projects mainly occur in the form of weak and unclear messages that may create confusion among team members. In this case, the difference in the levels of education among employees influences their knowledge significantly. Moreover, the failure of a project manager to develop a team based on skills of its members leads to the emergence of a communication gap. In this case, a team member may be assigned roles that are not within their stronghold. As a result, such cases will result in setbacks in project activities. Communication gaps are also presented in the form of the lack of delegation whereby a manager attempts to perform all roles on his or her own without the help of team members.

It should be noted that team members are essential in the facilitation of the communication process, as well. As a result, neglecting the contribution of the team members will create some communication gaps. Notably, it is bound to influence the ability of information to be shared effectively. The lack of motivation among team members also results in communication gaps because on the development of personal attitudes and ego. Moreover, team members tend to become difficult to manage.

Communication gaps influence the ability of managers to cope with issues that arise within the project’s lifecycle. The issue management is essential since it reflects competence of a project manager. However, inadequate management of issues prevents a manager from creating a secure online space that will facilitate the sharing of important information regarding the project. In this case, team members will lack access to the essential information. In turn, this situation will influence their ability to work towards the overall success of a project.


One of the major solutions to communication gaps is creating a prioritized list that provides a platform for uniting all team members. The platform can influence the ability of a team to share information effectively. Creating a platform is essential since communication is one of the key elements that should be effectively applied during the whole lifecycle of a project from the very beginning to the end. Therefore, it is the first and major solution in handling any existing gaps. Moreover, it is important to understand that team members compose a diverse group of individuals. Therefore, it is critical to create a platform that will consider all members and will be able to ensure that communication in the project is effective. Team members in a project are often brought together regardless of having worked together in the past or not. As a result, bringing together people of diverse geographical, cultural, functional, organizational, age, and education level characteristics is bound to influence all activities of an organization. In such an instance, the biggest challenge for a project manager is bringing employees together through communication with the view to ensuring effective collaboration that aims at achieving set tasks and objectives.

Delegation is also considered a priority for project managers in their efforts to bridge communication gaps that may influence the overall success of a project. In this case, it is evident that project managers cannot work individually. Therefore, it is important for them to delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively. Delegation requires them to match people and tasks. It is vital for managers to develop a team charter that will reflect the team’s aim and how they have to work towards the achievement of the project objectives. The charter is essential since it can bring the team back on track in any situation.

Delegation is followed by the motivation that is considered equally essential to the achievement of the project’s objectives. Motivation enhances relationships between managers and team members leading to the unification of their efforts. In this case, motivation entails ensuring a clear understanding of a project and fulfillment of employees’ roles and responsibilities.

Communication gaps can be solved through setting a clear deadline and providing an effective description of the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Therefore, it is also important to establish a clear workflow that all the team members can understand and follow. Projects are subjected to changes during their lifecycles. Therefore, it is important to plan these changes and any challenges that may occur in the project from the beginning until the end. Evidently, it is achieved through effective communication channels that can ensure that every team member carries out own roles and responsibilities in an effective way. The solution is effective in ensuring that team members and project manager are kept up to date with any issues and the overall progress. An effective solution to the ever changing situation involves a development of a communication plan by a project manager that will be utilized during the whole lifecycle of a project.

Effective communication on projects is a challenging and ongoing process for both a manager and team members at all levels. Project managers are subjected to the greatest challenges based on their position. They are assigned with the role of setting up and regulating communication that supports a project. The main solution is to implement various elements that will ensure their successful communications. In this case, it is important to apply effective and active listening. It is also necessary to prepare communication and establish the issue management process. Moreover, it is vital to draft any crucial information about the project. The solution process also requires a project manager to conduct regular meetings. It also requires them to give effective presentations regarding the project. Moreover, it is important to develop various platforms that can be used for communication and create a project war room.

Effective and active listening is essential in any project based on the fact that it enhances the relationship between a project manager and team members. Evidently, it can be enhanced by keeping all parties updated concerning their roles and responsibilities. A project manager can ensure that all roles and responsibilities are enhanced through the establishment of calendar notifications. In this case, creating timelines and providing team members with clear roles and responsibilities ensures that all employees are constantly reminded of their roles. Additionally, a proper number of meetings is essential based on the fact that team member and managers have frequent communication sessions. The frequency of communication is essential since it influences the overall relationship that leads to a significant enhancement of the project. Moreover, it increases the probability of success.

There are numerous tools that a project manager can utilize in a project in order to enhance the overall communication process of a team. In this case, a project manager can implement a stakeholder analysis with the aim of establishing an effective communication method. A project manager can also implement power and interest grid that is used to establish the information that is required to be shared. Once the analysis is conducted, a project manager can utilize the information in order to enhance the communication among team members by assessing the likely reaction of stakeholders. Such measures are essential since they define the ability of a manager to influence and provide the overall support and mitigate some potential impacts.

According to the power and interest grid, a project manager should monitor all activities of team members in order to ensure that their operations are conducted in an effective way. Additionally, it allows avoiding some possible gaps. The tool also reflects the importance of project managers in keeping team members satisfied and informed. Communication gaps are also influenced by the attitude of team members towards their project managers. Therefore, a project manager should ensure that all employees are kept satisfied and managed closely.

Another essential tool that can be used in order to improve communication in projects entails the creation of a fish bone. The fish bone diagram breaks down the project in relation to problems that may occur. As a result, a manager can use these problems in order to establish effective solutions through developing an effective communication plan. In this case, communication gaps are solved through the establishment of issues in the environment, people, management, materials, equipment, and the overall process. In this case, the tool is essential in designing a communication plan that will effectively reflect the major issues that are to be discussed. It contributes to the overall success of a project and enhances the relationship between a manager and team members. It is also bound to ensure that a manager treats team members effectively regardless of their diversity.

An effective communication plan is important in facilitating the success of a project. Therefore, it is important for project managers to engage in the communication planning in order to achieve effective communication. The utilization of various available tools is essential in ensuring that all project processes are put into place in order to ensure that they facilitate effective communication during the project execution. As a result, a project manager will benefit significantly based on his ability to overcome challenges that may arise as a result of communication gaps that lead to the ultimate success of a project.


In conclusion, it is evident that communication plays an imperative role in the successful achievement of projects since it ensures that a manager realizes set plans and goals. A project communication plan is essential since it sets standards concerning the mode and frequency of communication. It is important since it enhances the consistency of all project activities. Communication gaps between project managers and technical team members pose a significant threat to the achievement of desired outcomes. Additionally, communication gaps in a project are mainly influenced by cultural differences. One of the major solutions to communication gaps is creating a prioritized list that provides a platform for uniting all team members.


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