Dec 7, 2018 in Informative

Andrew Delbanco and Mike Rose Attitude toward Education Success Essay

Andrew Delbanco and Mike Rose present diverse points on how students should be taught. They hold both similar and varying views on how they should be educated in a school setting. One of the key similar points given by Delbanco and Rose is that teachers must establish close relationships with their students. It should be done to ensure they develop a positive attitude toward education. Other vital similarities between their points on how students should be educated include the provision of opportunities for all of them, regardless of their background to pursue their passions. Pupils should be allowed to give their own points of view in a democratic manner without being forced into particular directions. Both of them also believe that colleges should not only teach them the educational information, but also impart some character on them. However, Delbanco’s views differ from Rose’s opinion. He believes that students should be separated into different classes based on their abilities. Rose differs with this opinion when he affirms that vocational classes should not be perceived as those ones for failures. Their educational experiences and success also differ significantly. 

This paper compares and contrasts Delbanco’s and Rose’s views on how students should be educated. Additionally, it explicates the opinions of different researchers and experts of the American education system. 

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Similarities between Delbanco’s and Rose’s Views

Firstly, both Delbanco and Rose agree that teachers must be ready to develop closer relationships with their students to teach them effectively. Teaching should be a close exercise that involves building relationships with pupils. Delbanco opines that educators have an ethical responsibility of establishing closer relationships with their pupils instead of just coming to a class to read textbook notes to them (Delbanco 36). The establishment of a closer relationship with students is the first stage of giving them hope. It helps ensuring they understand their purpose within college or any other learning institution. Rose also brings out this similar view on educating students when he highlights his relationship with MacFarland, his senior English teacher. He emphasizes that the latter one was a unique educator in the manner he had approached different matters (Rose 4). He developed a closer relationship with him and witnessed an increase in his grades from a C- to an A-student. In tandem with this perspective, both Delbanco and Rose were keen to point out the difference between a teacher who had developed closer relationships with students and the ones who did not care about the development of such connections. The contemporary education system must be characterized by a scenario where teachers do not operate as tyrants. They should be open and ensure students are closer to them. It is in itself a motivator for pupils (Charles, Fischer, Mooney, and Massey 39). Students are only able to perform in the conditions where they have the full support of their educators. Overall, effective college teaching could only be achieved in the cases where teachers perceive pupils as their friends or children. It is seen in MacFarland’s interaction with Rose when his father passed on.

Secondly, both of them affirm that students must not only be educated on the matters related to classwork. However, they should also be helped to develop their characters. Delbanco and Rose agree with the view that teachers have the responsibility of guiding their students on different moral standards instead of only concentrating on educational matters. For instance, Delbanco opines that colleges are the places where young people navigate in tough waters. Most of them are usually in their adolescent stages (Delbanco 50). These students experience challenges in trying to maintain the acceptable character. Therefore, he emphasizes the view that a college should be a place where pupils get the opportunity to gain knowledge about themselves and their environment. Rose affirms a similar view when he states that he was highly undisciplined when he had been taken to the vocational education class (Rose 6). However, the tide in his behavior changed when he met MacFarland. He had concentrated on nurturing him and ensuring that he could become a well behaved boy. The best approach to educate students is to ensure that they have an in depth understanding of the changes taking place in their lives and giving them tips on how to cope with such issues. Emphasizing on the textbook content would not assist most of these students to succeed in their educational journey (Bennett and Wilezol 66). More so, it is difficult to tap the potential of pupils who do not understand themselves. Therefore, both Delbanco and Rose reiterate the need of teaching students in a manner that appreciates their need and supports a change of behavior toward the positive direction.

Thirdly, Delbanco and Rose opine that students should be educated in a liberal manner. It allows them to gather different information through the research. Both of them tend to encourage contemporary institutions to avoid focusing on a teacher-centered approach of teaching (Delbanco 47). The most effective way to educate pupils is to utilize a student-centered approach. It lets students collect different information by engaging in the research. It is a crucial aspect of learning because it gives students the opportunity to explore different issues affecting their education system. Focusing on the teaching of facts in class without giving pupils enough space to conduct the research makes it difficult for them to achieve their potential in the society (Chediak 43). Delbanco has the opinion that liberal education plays a vital role in the attainment of all the goals of students compared to a teacher-centered approach of educating pupils. The same view is brought out by Rose when he talks about his stone-faced mathematics’ teachers, which only concentrated on the teaching of formulas that students did not understand (Rose 3). There should be an open approach to educating pupils to ensure they are given a democratic opportunity to contribute to class discussions from the research gathered. 

Lastly, they both agree that all students must be given the opportunity, regardless of their background to pursue their passions. Delbanco observes that pupils from a poorer background and racial minorities tend to receive the unfair treatment in the college and university environment (Delbanco 74). However, they have the right to have an opportunity to choose what they would like to do. He agrees that educating students to pursue their majors is one of the greatest achievements of the education sector. Rose agrees with this view when he opines that he had been erroneously taken to the vocational class.It concerned the cases when his real marks were mixed up with his namesake’s marks. He did not get the opportunity to pursue his passion because he was believed to be among underachievers at his institution (Rose 2). It led him to an academic decline. Therefore, students must be educated in a manner that encourages them to pursue their passions. The best way to encourage them to focus on their passions is by helping them identify their strengths in the college setting (Bok 54). Teachers should not only use tough assessments and tests as the measure of the student’s intelligence. Most of them have other varied skills and knowledge that could help them build their future effectively without suffering the humiliation associated with a failure in tests and assessments. 

Differences between Delbanco’s and Rose’s Views

On the other hand, Delbanco has a different view than Rose when he agrees with the separation of students basing on their abilities. Rose holds the opinion that students should not be educated basing on their educational capabilities. According to Delbanco, it is always necessary to separate pupils into different classes to ensure that they are taught in the best manner possible (Delbanco 83). Dividing them according to their abilities gives them an opportunity to interact with each other closely and achieve their goals in the best way possible. It also guarantees that they have a chance of achieving their interests in life in a freer manner. Conversely, Rose is sure that educating pupils based on their differences in academic capabilities is killing their potential. For instance, his academic passion gradually died when he was taken to the vocational class being mostly associated with low achievers (Charles et al. 33). There should be a chance to ensure that students are being taught together without the distinction that makes them feel poorer academically compared to other groupmates. 

More so, Delbanco and Rose differ significantly in the assessment of their educational experiences and successes. It is worth noting that Delbanco gives his assessment from a lecturer’s perspective while Rose presents his evaluation from a student’s side. In his assessment of educational experiences, Delbanco begins with the assertion that the development of college was one of the most important things in the American society (Delbanco 76). It is especially so because it plays a vital role in changing the character of pupils while enhancing their academic knowledge (Charles et al. 48). He also gives his experience by stating that he treats the time at college as a formative experience for students. His success is different from that of other professors that concentrate on teaching. He assesses his own progress in the educational setting by emphasizing on the following issue. He concentrates on encouraging his pupils to draw a line of skepticism on the status quo in the future. It is best way he achieves his own goals in the education setting. On the other hand, Rose assesses most of his experiences from a student’s perspective. He notes that he had the difficult time as a smart pupil being mixed with a wrong crowd that destroyed his academic future. In fact, he states that he did not have a positive impact on other pupils as a bright child. However, he suffered a decline in his own behavioral standards making him an average student satisfied with the grade C (Rose 6). His high scores in biology saved his academic future as he had been taken to college preparation, where he met influential teachers such as MacFarland. He ensured he had achieved his best level. His success is attributed to the influence of teachers caring about him.

Experts and Researchers View on the American Educational System

Experts and researchers interested in the American education system have raised different views on its nature. One of the most significant opinions by them is that the American education system is still far much behind than that of its OECD counterparts. It is crucial to understand that many experts believe the following view. The American educational system has significantly declined since the World War II (Bok 41). The countries such as Canada are now ahead of the US education system. It is especially because it is not achieving the level of effectiveness being anticipated of any excellent education system. They use the example of 15-year-old students both in Canada and America. For instance, such pupils in Canada are one class ahead than their 15-year-old counterparts from America. The graduation levels in the US are also lower compared to OECD countries (Delbanco 77). The overall point put forward by experts and researchers is as follows. The American educational system is still not complete in most aspects. It needs an urgent attention to be paid to reach higher standards.

The second view by experts and researchers is the following one. The American education system is extremely expensive and does not necessarily give pupils and their parents the value for their money. They affirm that the cost of higher education is still not affordable for most middle class families (Charles et al. 55). It has left many families in debt as a result of the loans they take to fund their education. The high cost of education has also posed a challenge to the accessibility of education in the country. Most pupils from a poor background decide to leave their schooling at an earlier age. Apart from it being costly, it does not give them any value for their money. Many of them struggle to find jobs in a highly competitive job market. The current education system does not give them an opportunity to acquire full skills and knowledge related to innovativeness and creativity as it could be expected.

In a positive perspective, some experts and researchers assert that the American education system has a high percentage of quality colleges, universities, and instructors the world has ever seen. Higher education in America is characterized by a mixture of good institutions and instructors that need to be benchmarked by the rest of the world. They explain that pupils from other countries like the experience of learning in the American system because of a wide variety of colleges and universities offered to them (O'Brien 44). It makes it easier for them to progress toward the attainment of their life targets in a simpler manner. 

Most researchers and educators also agree that standard tests used in the American education system are an effective measure of pupils’ progress in the education system. Over 93% of educational researchers in the country opine that standardized tests would always have a positive effect on the progress of students (O'Brien 48). Their use in the American educational system prepares pupils for challenges in their lives. Most of them move toward a positive direction because of such tests. However, other experts are of the view that standardized tests are excessively stressful to students and should be eliminated. They observe that such testing is harming the American education system by instilling fear and stress among younger pupils in the country. 

Research institutions such as the Center for American Progress assert that the American education system still experiences massive racial disparities. The system is not balanced as it could be expected because some institutions are still made up of students from one particular race. Racial disparities in the American educational system have made it difficult for it to grow toward the positive direction. It is because it limits interactions among them (Bennett and Wilezol 61). All institutions are supposed to be open to pupils to ensure that they have the opportunity to share ideas from different backgrounds. The divided education system as the American one is not ideal for the modern world. Therefore, experts and researchers suggest that the government has to work toward enhancing integration among all pupils.


In conclusion, Delbanco and Rose agree that the best way to educate students would include the matters as follows. They are such as interacting with them, giving them an opportunity to research, developing their character, and allowing an opportunity to pursue what they wish. These education approaches are instrumental in leading to higher levels of achievement among all pupils. They feel more appreciated in the school setting. They work toward the achievement of their results efficiently. Delbanco also insists that lecturers must teach their students to view the world from an open perspective. Limiting their thinking narrows their chances for success. Rose illustrates this view from his position as a pupil when he states that one could be demoralized if put in a wrong environment. He was personally made to drop academically when he had been taken to the vocational class. Experts and researchers give varying points on the American education in terms of its international compatibility, an ability to develop students, racial balance, and quality. This system needs vital changes to make it outstanding and highly competitive around the globe. 


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