Steps to Achieve Your Goals the “Write” Way
If you were asked to count every time you've failed to achieve your goal just beyond a few days after setting it, how many times will it be and will you be pleased with that number? One word that comes to mind right now is a "loser," isn't it? Don't wonder, as let's be honest, everyone has experienced that, and there is no need to feel any embarrassment. Stop beating up on yourself because you are not alone. Even if someone says that they never have troubles with achieving their goals, they just don't want to confess it, that's all. Read on and you'll see the things that must be reconsidered and changed if you prefer to achieve your goals, not just set them. The key point is a journal, as we are talking about the greatest way to achieve goals - the "write way."
Steps in Goal Setting Process
Let's focus on a really essential thing - goal management, in other words, a goal setting process.
You need to identify the problem
Once you've realized you have the problem, you may say your problem is half-solved. Of course, you might be too exhausted to identify the exact problem that's causing a trouble for you.
There are three key points in a proper problem statement, which are called the current state, the goal state, and the list of obstacles. Example:
I know I'm overweight but I can't do anything about it. I need to lose weight but I eat a lot of junk food and don't work out.
The overweight is the current state, normal weight - the goal state, and the lack of exercise and junk food - the obstacle.
The first thing you should start with is the problem statement which needs then to be written in your journal.
Your goals should be written
It doesn't really matter whether it is goal setting for students, businessmen, or housewives: simply write your goals. Writing things down does matter, believe it or not!
Just imagine, nearly 70,000 thoughts appear in a human mind each day, pretty much, don't you agree? And now for a moment, do you believe that among all those thousands of thoughts your even the most amazing goals can't be lost?
That's why when you jot down your goals, you the same way clear your mind and set the priorities among those messy thousands of thoughts. It's like you highlight what seems to be the most important for you in order to make it look achievable and realistic. By maintaining a journal with your written goals, you make them visible all the time, even more, you remind yourself the bigger picture that you've planned to manage.
Steps to achieve goals
Let's see how to set goals and achieve them and move on to the steps in goal setting management.
SMART goal setting
Make sure your personal goal setting is SMART, it is non-negotiable. You already have some goals, and it's good for sure, but they have to be SMART. A Smart goal can be anything that you are desperately striving for but let's figure out how it should look like.
How to Write Goals and Objectives Examples
As an example, a Smart goal:
I will go running for 1 hour each morning on weekdays, 5 days a week from today.
It goes about tracking your progress systematically. How to do that? Easier than ever, your goal statement should be converted into a few simple Yes/No questions, then your task is to track your responses systematically.
Did I run for an hour today? (Target/1 week),
Did I eat only nutrition diet today? (Target/1 week)
Your goal isn't written in a stone; if you need, you always have an opportunity to recalibrate it. What if your goal is just too high? Another worthwhile goal can be added, you might need to have a rest from the other goals. Who says you aren't allowed to make your personal choices and adapt goals accordingly?
Written goals are more likely to be achieved, maintain your journal and mind motivation in order to reach the desired result. Writing things down makes them happen, so write down your dream goals and who knows, maybe in the near future you'll achieve them all! By the way, when you share your goal with a close person, you multiply your chances of achieving it.
One more important thing concerns your achievements which must be celebrated. How can you have enough motivation for setting another goal if you never appreciate your efforts?
Reward yourself for reaching them; it's a must! What to write in a journal diary depends only on you, but keep in mind that setting a goal isn't a one-time option. It's a continuous process which requires your time, effort, and persistence. To be always on track to achieve goals, you need to be sure that necessity, value, and relevance are high enough.
When you are journaling for the goal, you similarly keep yourself motivated and focused, it's like you've made a commitment to yourself. It's like a fridge which you fill with products: each time you open the door, you see how much food is there and how much needs to be put.