
Book Report on Bipolar Condition

The An Unquiet Mind memoir of Kay gives an elaborate chronology of her life from childhood, her early experience with the condition and the final treatment that she found by then... Details

The Ugly American

American citizens have been a different bunch compared to other people in the world. In many different perceptions, American have proved to be talented compared to other adding up... Details

A Year in the South

Civil War entailed significant changes in American society. Union victory resulted in the abolition of racial slavery. Therefore, many black people received the long-awaited freedom. The... Details

The Wrong One Died

The process of bereavement is a complex phenomenon which takes place in every family. However, not every family is capable of handling grief without professional help. In the... Details

Loss of Freedom in the ‘When the Emperor was Divine’ Novel

The issue of freedom and slavery is quite controversial in the When the Emperor was Divine’ novel ‘. This work of American author Julie Otsuka is devoted to such an unpleasant and still not advertised topic as displacement of Japanese Americans... Details

Rhetorical Analysis of Genre

This analysis will be basically based on a non-fiction genre relating to the ethics behind the use of animals used in animal experimentation. The article that has been selected for the rhetorical analysis is “Against the Use of Knowledge Gained... Details


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